Sunday, 23 March 2008


I just wanna say, Holy Week was a blast!

It was tiring, physically demanding but hell, did it feel fufilling.

Besides our Easter Tridium, we also had our Sin Hoi Sai Tridium, having our dinners/supper 3 days in a row at the Cze Char stall opposite our church.

The Winning Eleven games we played while staying over at Emmaus House on Holy Thursday, the cursing, introduction of our new vulgarity :"Nubs Cheebye" (smth along those lines anyway)

And above all, commemarating the Ressurection story in one whole big mass.

But all these is over...

and what is left...

is the remaining pain and hurdles.

oh sucks...

But as long as I have something to look forward to, I think I'll be fine.

Just wanna see my boys through weekend mass before I officially take a break from servers now.

The worst is yet to come.

Bring it on...

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Holy/Hell Week

Before I start on this post, I am glad to say I have my com back up and running.

And so it begins...Holy Week.

It starts tomorrow, Celebration of the Lord's Supper...

God help me coz I need to serve one load of mass and services with an in-grown toenail, which will be removed on the 16th April.

But not complaining though, since I get exempted from PE for 1 month (YES!)

Now just awaiting the day...

And hell do I love getting my life back!

Also, time to get back to my old days (hint hint: airport)

That's all for now.