Thursday, 26 July 2007

Addiction kills

So far, all my little adventures have just almost landed me into trouble if not by the thin line that held me back, from ruining my academic life totally.

yes, surely you all would know what I speak of, the thing that always lands SCHOOL children into BIG BIG trouble, the thing which THEY DO NOT DO.

it really has been difficult for me to stop, I mean who would want to listen to teachers drone, getting scolded, having responsibilities to fufill, instead of choosing a more freer path to do what you want.

But this excuse does not justify my offence. My 3 classmates bore the consequences of the actions, the same offence I've committed. If not for seeing them get lashed under the wood by our principal I would never have stopped and reflect heavily on my actions.

I was extremely lucky to be able to produce a letter that was signed. I just hope that will be my last offence and I want to bring this matter to a close forever. I really can't face up to the consequences should the things i commit resurface.

i pulling my hair out, thinking of what I've done...The foolishness of it that could lend me into deep trouble. Doing something without thinking...the faces of disappointment of my teachers and parents, my status as a prefect...

One of my friends, who just did not go to the museum got his badge and tie removed in less than a minute... My heart was pounding so badly it could just break out of my chest and I would die, right there and then.

i really regret my actions, and I really hope that I would not have a repeat of last year's events.

******* sc**** is a real addiction, where you push your limits, being free from school work and teachers and being to go to any place you want to.

But like anything and everything, too much of this is bad...and you can't stop. The prospect of returning back is just dampening and irritating...

dun try it...once you start it is more difficult to quit than smoking...i tell you....

I just hope nothing bad happens from now on. and just start afresh.

God Bless...

and on a side note, miss all of ya...

Friday, 13 July 2007

Vitas Bumac- Onepa

A Russian SOPRANO Singer...Enough said...just listen...

Warning, may be quite traumatising to some

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Table of plenty~food glorious food

Come to the feast of Heaven and Earth, Come to the table of plenty. God will provide, for all that we need...Here at the table of plenty.

So far, siblings and I managed to keep time off our Thursdays to spend an hour or two to be together.

Lately, our favourite get together place is Cafe Oliv near Church. The food there is simply nice and it has got that home-cooked feeling.

The chef there is Kevin, a SHATEC graduate who decided to take a leap of faith towards setting up a new F 'n' B business.

And now Im starting to like his food better than Aston's :P!!!!!

haha....enough about food...

School's been ok so far. Nothing much going on, except that I screwed up my Geog test today :P

As for LOM, we are gonna watch Harry Potter OOTP this monday after our meeting !!!!



because now theres something wrong with b logger, I shall stop here...

Cya and God Bless!

Saturday, 7 July 2007

Road Curtosey pls.....

It has come to a point where I cannot keep my silent about this matter anymore. I face this every single day I walk to school, and I cannot help but express my feelings on this.

A CERTAIN JUNIOR COLLEGE....EXTREMELY NEAR MY SCHOOL seriously needs to re-examine its students with regards to road curtosey.

Every morning, students whose parents send them in private vehicles are usually will drive along Marine Vista.

The problem is, the students crossing the Zebra Crossing do not actually walk a little faster so that the waiting vehicles can drop of their cargo (students la) and drive off... But because of this inconsiderate behaviour, the queue sometimes stretch across to the main road of Marine Parade.

Another incident is that, after my family lunch on Thursday, when we are drive to the Zebra Crossing at the JC, there are a few students who walk slowly as though they are in their school compound and thus fail to see with their oblivious eyes that my sister who is driving is actually waiting for them to walk across so that we can drive home. It took my sister great effort not to horn at fellow students of her alma mater. That was not the 1st time.

But it is not just the students who take public transport and walk to school. Sometimes, students whose parents send them also cause jams at the road of Marine Vista

A few days ago, when I was taking that path again, I saw a car that was stopping just behind the Zebra Crossing for at least 15 min...(the opposite side of the JC) and was forming up a queue, which led to frequent horns from vehicles behind, who then decide to take other lanes.

Being curious, I took a closer look inside the stationary vehicle.

The reason for the stoppage?

A mother who was driving was waiting for her daughter to finish her drink

This is way overboard. We have designated times to take our meals. Its called Breakfast.

People who are from that particular JC who are reading this might be cursing and flaming me in their hearts and probably thinking "who the hell is this punk from SPS...and what right has he to criticise us?"

Well, my response...

Although you might be academically better than me or any other students in my school,

if that is the way you show your attitudes, just because its the zebra crossing leads to your institution so you assume you can walk as and how you like, you will face problems later on in your working life, because you do not show basic curtosey to others.

Your selfish attitudes disgusts me to no end!

You jolly well know that you can reduce frustration by actually quickening your pace and actually showing some curtosey to the cars that have to wait for you.

but no, you choose to walk as though you guys are taking a stroll in your garden, talking to your friends and oblivious to the people around you who are affected by your inconsiderate behaviour.

Perhaps it will be in the better interests of the institution there to inculcate some form of basic road curtosey to its students so as to save time, and reduce the frustrations of drivers who wait for you all to pass the crossing.

I do hope that there will be an improvement in their way of life.

Be more considerate, don't be so self-centered and think that the world revolves around you. Other people have lives to lead, and if their time should be wasted because you choose to be inconsiderate, what thick skins you all have to call yourself tertiary students.