Saturday, 21 April 2007

Before I was born

Before I was Born
You made me,
You formed me,
You kept me alive, long before I was born
You have sought me out and found me,
You know where I sit or stand
You know the depths of my heart
whenever I move or rest
You'll find me wherever I am, You'll find me wherever I am
You made me
You formed me,
You kept me alive, long before I was born
You kept me alive, long before I was born
Before a word comes from my mouth, You know what I want to say,
You come close to me, You lay your hand upon me
All of this is too much for me, all of this is too much for me.
You made me,
You formed me,
You kept me alove, long before I was born
How can I ever hide from you, where can I run from you
Above and Below, You are there,
To the dawn or to the sea, You are there,
Your hand will guide my way, Your hand will guide my way
You made me,
You formed me,
You kept me alive, long before I was born
You have created every inch of me, You knit me to my mother's womb
You have record of all my days, long before they ever began,
How amazing Your thoughts, O God, how amazing Your thoughts O God.
You made me
You formed me,
You kept me alive, long before I was born...
You kept me alive, long before I was born.
O God, before I even came into this world, you knew me from my mother's womb. You created me, protected me, let me into Your wonderful creation of this world. I grew up with Your ever guiding hands keeping me from harm, and protecting me from all dangers. Getting to know You, Love You and Serve You. You gave me my family, my friends, my body, my mind, my soul. Yet I take them for granted. You continued to love me even as I strayed away. Now that I remember the day, this day, 15 years ago, when I came into this world, filled with Your everlasting unconditional Love for me, for us. I ask You to bless my family, my friends, all those who have come into my life and gone, the people whom I know, the people whom I have yet to know. Let every new child be blessed with Your love and bring joys to familes all around Your world, For every child is a gift from You, and all these I ask in Your most precious name, Amen.

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