Sunday, 11 February 2007

Falling on death ears......=.=

I woke up like damn early today just to prepare for confirmation class. Dad gave me a lift to church.

I saw 3 of the 5 YFs : Ralph, Eunice, Sabrina...and the cathechists... Auntie Mila briefed me on what to say concerning the slides she prepared.

Con class came, Aaron was down with a bad headache. So me and Ryan Koh had to present to the class. It was seriously damn frustrating as they kept making noise, as expected from children, so I guess nothing much went in their heads....and I have to prepare a quiz for them some more...


Went to mac's again....the feeling of deja vu.............Met Mel, Sharon and Roderick...who looked so damned stoned....very very stoned I was freaking out...his face was damn red....

Johnathan suggested zion.....(omg deja vu FTW) , and this time he owned me with his bloodseeker early game, but i still managed to fight back with my juggernaut with some l337 items

Battle Fury

and i won in the end, but John was top player due to his ownaged in early game........ :/

I had to go back home, change and went to Maebelin's house to record CD for Uncle Peter and Auntie Jiok Hiang's 25th wedding aniversary.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Almost could not make it for mass....2 person mass, me and Daniel Pakiam....

After mass, I saw Oli, she suggested going out with dinner...But dad was waiting, so I had to leave her....felt so guilty that she waited for me the whole mass, and yet i could not join her......:'(

Maybe should be like my sis, occasionally go out with friends after mass...HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

got home, packed my bag,........

I dunno whether I should busted the Sec 1s by setting it damn hard....hmmm...let my heart decide..i still have 2 weeks

Oh...Valentine's day is coming!!!!!!

Surprise is coming up...ehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe



hohohohohohohoho0hoho0hohohohohohohohohohohohohoho hem.....

and argh, just now when I was chatting with Oli using phone call i heard some o2 songs, which made me think of Stepmania....

*chokes, difficulty breathing, blood pressure falling beyond measurement, spasming out of control, foaming at the mouth, eyes bleeding, oxygen to brain not regular intervals resulting in stroke*

*all above mentioned are results from Stepmania withdrawal*

okook...looking forward to friday chinese new year mass and V day

Ok tomorrow and dad is shouting in my ear as I type.......

God Bless!